
Da'Taeveyon Daniels

Partnerships Dir., COO


SEAT, Diversify Our Narrative

Da'Taeveyon Daniels is a student organizer, activist, advocate, and storyteller hailing from Fort Worth, Texas, who embodies the spirit of youth advocacy and civic engagement. With a strong belief in the power of young voices to effect positive change, Daniels emerged as a prominent figure in various non-profit organizations, and movements. Spearheading initiatives against pressing issues while empowering communities across the country.

Daniels' journey into advocacy began in his freshman year of high school at one of the most diverse schools in the state of Texas. Frustrated by the lack of representation in the educational materials, Da'Taeveyon took action. Joining the inaugural cohort of the NCAC Student Advocates for Speech, determined to challenge the status quo and amplify diverse voices in education. Under his leadership, his Student Advocates for Speech chapters amassed over 400 members, making a significant impact within his school and beyond. His leadership and dedication earned him a spot as a National Advisory Council member for the National Coalition Against Censorship; making him the first student to serve in the role in the organization's 50+ year history.

As the Director of Partnerships for Students Engaged in Advancing Texas (SEAT), Daniels plays a pivotal role in fostering collaboration and synergy among youth advocates, policymakers, and community stakeholders. SEAT has become a dynamic platform for young people to develop essential skills, engage in meaningful advocacy, and drive tangible policy reforms.

Alongside his work in intellectual freedom, Daniels has served in several other roles that focus on uplifting the youth narrative, demonstrating youth power, and cultivating a more diverse and equal future. Serving as  Southwest Regional Director of the Youth Legislative Action, where he tenaciously planned and executed a voter registration campaign, registering over 4,000 high school seniors across 10 states in 10 months.  

Following a successful term, Daniels accepted the role of Regional Director of North and South America at Minds With0ut Boarders,  expanding his advocacy efforts to the realm of mental health, and emphasizing the importance of youth in conversations about mental health.  Working towards a future where mental health is not an ostracizing factor but one of unity and support.

The remainder of Da'Taeveyon's time is dedicated to his role as Chief Operating Officer of Diversify Our Narrative, a youth-led 501(c)3 working towards an antiracist future through education. In his capacity, Daniels oversees a dedicated team of 70 secondary and post-secondary students and a grass-roots network of 800+ chapters across the world. All are unified under the shared goal of a future where both overt and covert racism are things of the past.  

Da'Taeveyon's journey is defined by his unwavering commitment to social justice, equity, and youth empowerment. With a relentless drive to effect systemic change, he continues to inspire and mobilize his peers to create a more just and equitable society.